Sunday, August 7, 2011

In the beginning...

When I went to BYU as a visiting student I only enrolled for 9 credits. Of the classes I was taking, I decided to try Social Dance. This was a surprise to many people who knew me. The reasons I took this class are as follows:

· I1. I love music and really did enjoy dancing but usually just looked awkward when I tried doing it.

· 2. When I would go to dances I would spend far too much time hanging out on the sidelines since I feared that I might accidentally hurt anyone who was within 15 feet of me.

· 3. I thought it would be fun.

I was settling into college life at BYU. I just finished my first semester of classes geared toward my marriage and family studies major. I was ready to register for classes for the second half of the summer block (classes are divided between spring/summer terms).

Deciding to register for a dance class required hardly any thought at all. My mom was a folk dancer at BYU and she has always maintained that if you go to BYU you MUST take a dance class. To her, and now to me, It just needed to be a part of the BYU experience.

In our dance class we rotated partners as we learned the different steps. Early on in the course, the teacher (a very “flamboyant” male TA) suggested we team up with someone to practice outside of the classroom so that we could do well on our tests. When he said this I started to “scout out the territory” to see who an appropriate dance partner might be.

This flamboyant teacher was actually a friend of mine from high school. He was on the ballroom team and I have to admit that I had a little bit of a crush on him back then. This was not the case anymore, but it was fun to see him again.

After class was over that same day I was walking down the hall when I heard a voice call to me from somewhere. When I turned around I saw Rachel running after me and gesturing wildly for me to stop. Since she was one of the better looking girls in the class (and since I am not a complete moron) I waited for her to catch up. After she took a moment to catch her breath she asked me if I would like to be her practice partner. Well, that was a no-brainer! Of course I would!

Of course I must interject here and explain my perspective (this may or may not improve your opinion of me at this point). I had been in class that day looking around and deciding who I would like to ask to be my partner. I had just gotten my courage up to ask Logan when I realized that he was already gone! I was mentally prepared at that point and knew that it was now or never (I also knew that he was pretty cute and might be asked by someone else). All things considered, I decided to walk briskly to catch up with him.

And so we started to meet frequently during our free time to practice dancing. Sometimes these meetings were with a group of friends we had made in our class (one other couple got married from this group too), and sometimes the meetings were just one-on-one. Frequently we would spend a long time talking before or after these dance sessions while sitting at the CougarEat in the Wilkinson Center. Of course these weren’t “dates,” but they were fun and we got to know each other pretty well as we practiced the Fox Trot, the Cha Cha, and the Waltz. Those were fun times, and that was the beginning of our relationship.

I made a good choice of dance partner. I really enjoyed dancing with Logan during these dance sessions. When there were other people involved, I soon realized that I preferred to be dancing with Logan over the other guys. I loved his easy going mannerisms and his confidence. I was very comfortable with him, and we started becoming really good friends.

Also, I was a better dancer.

There is also a funny story that I often tease Rachel about. It was very soon after we had met and we were sitting at the CougarEat talking about our plans for school. I told her I wanted to be a dentist. Suddenly her eyes lit up and she exclaimed “I was told that I should marry a dentist!” That took me a little bit off-guard! She immediately turned red when she realized how that statement must have sounded in the context of our conversation.

Have you ever blurted something out and then felt completely ridiculous??? This was one of those moments for me. There is a story behind this… I have always had bad teeth and one day I told my dentist that I would do anything possible for my teeth. He said, “The only hope for you is to marry a dentist.” When Logan mentioned being a dentist this was the first thought that popped into my mind and out it came. Oops.

As a side note, this is also where we first heard what was to become “Our Song.” It was “Happy to be Stuck With You” by Huey Lewis and the News, and we did our Fox Trot test to this track. We chose it as our song because it always brings back these early memories of courtship and the fun times we had in the plaza of the Wilk.

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